154Warning: E600 - E799Errors that notify of that the setting data are incorrect or laser radiation conditions are not met are output as warnings.Marking cannot be started while any warning of E600 to E699 is active. Laser pumping maintains the state before thewarning.⿎ Release method of warning1. Remove a cause of warning. If the setting is wrong, correct it.2. In Remote mode, close the inner shutter or input the alarm reset.As the special case, the following errors will be released automatically.• E600: The warning is only output while the connection between the LASER STOP IN and OUT COM. 1 is openedand the warning is released when it is closed.• E710 - E711: The warning is output during marking and guide laser radiation (except guide pointer operation) andit is released when these operations are finished.• E715: The warning is output while the cause of error occurs and it is released automatically when the cause issolved.• E750 - E781: After output of the warning for 3 seconds, the warning is released.3. If any warning occurs during marking of files that use the counter, check the counter value before resuming marking.4. To restart the laser marker operation, make sure that the warning output is turned on, and then open the internalshutter.ERRORCODE Description Measures *1E600 LASER STOP IN of the I/O terminal block wasreleased.• Connect the LASER STOP IN terminals of the I/Oterminal block.• Check the status of the safety equipmentconnected to the LASER STOP IN terminals.• Confirm operation logic of connection device.E601 No marking data were registered to the filespecified. Set marking data in the file and overwrite.E603 No data for laser radiation available.It is not possible to input TRIGGER IN for the filewithout valid marking data.Set “marking on” to more than one object and set itslaser power correction other than 0%.E604 No data for guide laser radiation available. To show the masked objects by the guide laser,enable Guide laser display of the object settings.E605E606The combination of Laser Marker NAVI smart'sversion and the laser marker model or version iswrong.The function set with Laser Marker NAVI smartcannot be used for this type of the laser marker.Use the right version of Laser Marker NAVI smartcorresponding to the laser marker model or versionin use.E607 *3, *4Unable to detect the line speed.Input of 2 sensors for line speed detection waswrong.• Make sure the first sensor in moving direction isconnected to ENCODER A IN and the secondsensor is connected to ENCODER B IN of the I/Oterminal.• Turn on ENCODER B IN within 10 seconds fromthe input of ENCODER A IN.• Input TRIGGER IN after turning on ENCODERB IN within the setting time before time-out erroroccurs.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3