693-5 Character Setting Commands3-5-1 Character entry (by ASCII code): MCSSets the characters of the character objects (reference list type) by the ASCII code. Alpha-numeric characters and symbolsare available.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode MCS Subcommand[String No.] [Marking character]At setting: Max. 32-byteAt readout: Max. 62-byte(Checksum) End codeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout request dataStartcode MCS R [String No.]2-byte(Checksum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksString No. 2“01”–“50”: string No. 1 to 50 (for currentfile)“51”–“60”: string No. 101 to 110 (for allfiles)• Select the string No. of the reference listto set characters.• You can use the strings No. 101 to 110commonly to all files.Marking character Min. 0Max. 30Input Method: ASCII code from 20(HEX) to 7E (HEX)• Functional characters cannot be used.• Specify 0-byte for data length to deletecharacters.• If the readout data includes charactersthat cannot be expressed in ASCII codesuch as Japanese characters (2-bytecharacter), only these 2-byte charactersare read out in shift JIS code.• If the marking character string containsany functional characters or 2-bytecharacters, the maximum readout datacan be 60-byte.Total data length Max. 32Variable length.• Setting request data: Max. 32-byte• Response data for readout: Max. 62-byteンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Refer to “2-3-5 Character data input method” (P.37) for details on the character input method and character types withinput restrictions.• Characters in TrueType object cannot be set with communication command.• The characters input by this command are converted to the 2-byte characters automatically.• If the readout data includes characters that cannot be expressed in ASCII code such as Japanese characters (2-bytecharacter), only these 2-byte characters are read out in shift JIS code.• When the character strings set with the functional character are readout, the setting of the functional character startingwith % are read out. The characters to mark as the functional characters, such as the counter or date and time values,are not read out.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, you cannot readout the character strings with more than 61-byte length.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the character object other than the reference list type cannot be set.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the character string No. 51 to 100 cannot be set and readout.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3