1003-7-4 Human readable text settings: BRVSets the character conditions to mark the character strings of bar code/2D code as the human readable text.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode BRV Subcommand[Object No.] [Positional offset target][Relative X-position] [Relative Y-position][Character height] [Character width][Character spacing] [Font No.][Laser power correction] [Scan speed correction][Pulse cycle correction]( [Linefeed] [Linefeed spacing] )LP-GS/LP-RC: 54-byte, 47-byte or 46-byteLP-RF/LP-RV: 57-byte, 50-byte or 49-byte(Checksum) End codeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout request dataStartcode BRV R [Object No.] [Positional offset target]2-byte (Check sum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksObject No.(> Bar code No.) 1 “0”–“7”: Object No. 1100 to 1107Positional offsettarget 1“1”: Bar code / 2D code / 1D side of thecomposite codes“2”: 2D side of the composite codesSelect to which code the settingsof the relative X-/Y-position areapplied.Relative X-position 8“-999.999”–“+999.999” [mm]• It is the relative position to thecode center.• Specifies the left lower positionof the first character.• For the composite codes, thepositions of 1D and 2D side canbe separately specified.Relative Y-position 8Character height 7Model Setting range [mm]LP-GS051(-L) “000.100”–“055.000”LP-GS052 “000.060”–“030.000”LP-RC350S “000.100”–“085.000”LP-RF200PLP-RV200P “000.100”–“090.000”For the composite codes, thesettings from “character height” areapplied to both 1D and 2D side.Character width 7Character spacing 7Model Setting range [mm]LP-GS051(-L) “000.000”–“055.000”LP-GS052 “000.000”–“030.000”LP-RC350S “000.000”–“085.000”LP-RF200PLP-RV200P “000.000”–“090.000”Font No. 1 “1”–“9”ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3