813-6-3 Expiry date/time settings: LMTConfigures the “expiry” function used to mark the date with a specified period added or subtracted to/from the current date.⿎ Setting request data / response data for readoutStartcode LMT Subcommand[Expiry time No.] [Periods][Expiry time unit] [Today included]7-byte(Checksum) End codeSub command is “S” for the setting request data and “A” for the response data for readout.⿎ Readout requestStartcode LMT R [Expiry time No.]1-byte (Check sum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksExpiry time No. 1 “1”–“4”: Expiry date/time 1 to 4“5”–“8”: Global expiry date/time 17 to 20Periods 4 “-999”–“+999” It is the period added or subtracted to/from the current date and time.Expiry time unit 1“0”: Year“1”: Month“2”: Date“3”: Hour“4”: MinuteIt is the unit of the period added orsubtracted to/from the current date andtime.Today included 1 “0”: Today not included“1”: Today includedSpecifies whether or not to includetoday in the base date for addition orsubtraction.It is valid when the expiry time unit isyear or month.Total data length 7 The data length is fixed.⿎ Example of command settingsCondition: Expiry time No. = 1, Periods = 6, Expiry time unit = 2, Today included = 0• Setting Transmission data [STX] LMT S 1+00620 [CR]• Readout Transmission data [STX] LMT R 1 [CR]Response data [STX] LMT A 1+00620 [CR]ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the expiry time numbers 5 to 16 and global expiry time numbers 21 to 32cannot be set and readout.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3