593-3-4 Marking trigger: MRKInputs marking trigger (laser radiation startup signal). For the on-the-fly marking at regular intervals, this command controlsto start and to stop marking.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Marking (laser radiation) starts upon receiving this command. If you are using the link function with image checkers, thelink control starts upon receiving this command.• When on-the-fly marking is set, lasing operation starts when the workpiece comes to the preset marking position afterthis command is accepted.• If this command was transmitted while the marking trigger was not acceptable (the marking trigger ready OFF), the lasermarker returns negative response. Before sending this command, confirm that the marking trigger ready status by usingSTS command.• When the trigger delay time is set in the selected file, trigger processing (lasing) operation starts after the delay time.• This command can be accepted when the trigger mode is set to “single trigger”. When the trigger mode is set to“continuous trigger”, input the marking trigger by using TRIGGER IN signal in I/O terminal.• When trigger mode is set to Multiple triggers at on-the-fly marking, max. 16 triggers can be accepted during triggerprocessing (lasing) operation.• If any of the following operations are executed while the on-the-fly marking at regular intervals or with multiple triggersare running, the marking operation is terminated after finishing the running marking and subsequent triggers arecanceled.• Closing the shutter• Sending MKM command with “command reception permission ON”• Changing the file• Changing the marking characters by code reader linkage function• For the on-the-fly marking at regular intervals, if the marking stop request is transmitted when the trigger processingoperation is running, on-the-fly marking at regular intervals is terminated after finishing the running operation.• For the on-the-fly marking at regular intervals, if both this command and TRIGGER IN (X5) signal of I/O terminalare used, the marking at regular intervals is executed with turning on of either of them. Even the stop request of thiscommand is transmitted, the marking is executed while TRIGGER IN (X5) turns on.⿎ Setting request dataStartcode MRK S [Marking trigger]1-byte (Check sum) End code⿎ Data descriptionName Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksMarking trigger 1Except the marking at regularintervals“0” or “1”: Trigger ON• Setting both “0” and “1” allows to start markingwhen the trigger mode is other than themarking at regular intervals.• For the on-the-fly marking at regular intervals,setting “1” allows to start the first markingoperation.• For the on-the-fly marking at regular intervals,once setting “1”, the marking operation isrepeated at regular intervals until “0” is set.When the marking at regularintervals“0”: Trigger OFF (End marking)“1”: Trigger ON (Start marking)Total data length 1 The data length is fixed.⿎ Example of command settingsCondition: Marking trigger = 1• Setting Transmission data [STX] MRK S 1 [CR]ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3