75Name(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksHorizontal andvertical alignment 1“0”: Left and first baseline“1”: Center and first baseline“2”: Right and first baseline• Specifies which point in thecharacter strings is the origin for thecharacter object.• With LP-400/V compatiblecommand mode, the verticalalignment is always set to “firstbaseline”.Character height 7Model Setting range [mm]LP-GS051(-L) “000.100”–“055.000”LP-GS052 “000.060”–“030.000”LP-RC350S “000.100”–“085.000”LP-RF200PLP-RV200P “000.100”–“090.000”To make the characters bold, set theratio of the character height and widthnot to be other than the range from1/10 to 10.Character width 7X-position 8 “-999.999”–“+999.999” [mm] Specifies the origin coordinate ofcharacter strings.Y-position 8Character spacing orCharacter stringwidth7Model Setting range [mm]LP-GS051(-L) “000.000”–“055.000”LP-GS052 “000.000”–“030.000”LP-RC350S “000.000”–“085.000”LP-RF200PLP-RV200P “000.000”–“090.000”Specifies a character spacing for fixedspacing/proportional, and a characterstring width for justify.Linefeed spacing 7Rotation angle 7 “-180.00”–“+180.00” [°] The rotation center is the origin of thecharacter strings.Font No. 1 “1”–“9”With LP-400/V compatible commandmode, the fonts from No. 10 cannot beset and readout.Bold line width 5 “0.000”–“6.000” [mm]• If you do not make characters bold,set 0.000.• If you make characters bold, set thebold line width to 1/2 or less of thecharacter height or width, whicheveris smaller.Laser powercorrection 3 “000”–“999” [%]The correction ratio is calculated usingthe value set at the laser settings as100%.Scan speedcorrection 3 “001”–“999” [%]Pulse cyclecorrection * (3) “001”–“999” [%]Total data length72or75The data length is fixed.• LP-GS/LP-RC series: 72-byte• LP-RF/LP-RV series: 75-byte* Only for LP-RF series and LP-RV series.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3