155ERRORCODE Description Measures *1E608E720The counter value was reset to that prior tomarking because the power was cut off duringdata marking including the counter.• Check the current value of counter.• Do not turn off the power during marking.E609E721The laser marker is turned off during saving offile data and setting. The marking data were notsaved successfully.• Check the file and the setting values.• Overwrite the file data.• Do not turn off the laser marker while aving thesettings.E610 - E613E650 Marking data are out of range.• Check the image display screen and adjust thedata position and size located outside of themarking field.• Adjust the X-/Y-axis offset value of the systemoffset (system settings screen). (When thedata located outside of the marking field is notdisplayed on the image display screen.)E614 - E615*2E651 *2Existed marking data with its Z-position outsideof marking field.(The LP-GSxxx-L type is excluded.)• Adjust the Z-movement of the object groupsettings.• Adjust the Z-movement of the file settings.• Adjust the Z-axis offset value of the system offset(system settings screen).E616 *3, *4Unable to detect the line speed.Input of the encoder for line speed detection waswrong.• Confirm the correct input from the encoder toENCODER A IN and ENCODER B IN of I/Oterminal.• When only one phase of the encoder is used,connect the encoder signal to ENCODER A IN(X13) and connect ENCODER B IN (X14) to INCOM. 1 (X2).• Confirm the encoder input is less than 100kHz perphase.E617 *3, *4 Unable to follow the line speed.• Decrease the line speed.• Set Lasing start boundary to the upward of themoving direction.• Reduce the marking time with the followingmeasures.• Increase the scan speed.• Reduce the spacing between the characters.• Reduce the character size, etc.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3