158. Click “Set” on the lower right corner of the screen.9. When using I/O, click the “inputs/outputs” tab and configure the following items:• Assignment of counter end outputs:Assign the counter No. to COUNT END A OUT to COUNTEND D OUT (I/O pin No. 30 to 33).As the default setting, counter No. 0 to 3 are assigned toCOUNT END A OUT to COUNT END D OUT respectively.• Warning at invalid trigger signal:Configure if you will output (ON) orwill not output (OFF) the warning forthe invalid trigger. With enabling thissetting, the warning is output when themarking trigger that cannot be acceptedwas input.(Initial setting: Enabled)• TARGET DETECTION IN (X7) (LP-RC/LP-RF/LP-RV series only):Select whether or not to use TARGETDETECTION IN on I/O terminal.(Initial setting: Disabled)When enabling this terminal, connect asensor which detect the work piece is inposition for lasing.• Terminal assignment X11 (LP-GS seriesonly):Select the behavior of the input signalX11 on I/O terminal from LASER STOP1 IN or LASER STOP 2 IN. (Initialsetting: LASER STOP 2 IN)For the operation details of LASERSTOP, refer to “Setup/MaintenanceGuide”.• One-shot pulse duration:Configure the output time of the signal being output asone-shot, such as PROCESSING END OUT (Y11).Setting range: 2 to 510ms (initial value is 40ms)10. Click the “Set” button on the lower right corner of the screen.11. When using communication commands, click the “Communication” tab to set communicationdetails of Ethernet or RS-232C.Configure the communication settingsaccording to the network settings.For Ethernet:Configure the communication settingsof the laser marker corresponding to theexternal control device.Set “Communication commands”to the RS-232C usage.For RS-232C:ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• When using RS-232C, specify the “Flow control” to “None” at the communication port settings of the external controldevice.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3