101Name(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksLaser powercorrection 3 “000”–“999” [%] • The correction ratio is calculatedusing the value set at the lasersettings as 100%.• For the composite codes, thesesettings are applied to both 1Dand 2D side.Scan speedcorrection 3 “001”–“999” [%]Pulse cycle correction*1 (3) “001”–“999” [%]Linefeed *2 (1) “0”: No linefeed“1”: Enable linefeed• Applied only to the 2D code and2D side of the composite code.When the code data is set in theseveral strings, set whether thelinefeed is applied to the humanreadable text or not.• When the linefeed is omitted,linefeed is disabled.• When the linefeed is enabled,the linefeed spacing cannot beomitted.• When the linefeed is disabled,do not set the linefeed spacing.• When the linefeed is disabled,the linefeed spacing is notincluded in the response data forreadout.Linefeed spacing *2 (7)Model Setting range [mm]LP-GS051(-L) “000.000”–“055.000”LP-GS052 “000.000”–“030.000”LP-RC350S “000.000”–“085.000”LP-RF200PLP-RV200P “000.000”–“090.000”Total data length54(47), (46)or57(50), (49)The data length is fixed.• LP-GS/LP-RC series when linefeed is enabled: 54-byte• LP-GS/LP-RC series when linefeed is disabled: 47-byte or 46-byte• LP-RF/LP-RV series when linefeed is enabled: 57-byte• LP-RF/LP-RV series when linefeed is disabled: 50-byte or 49-byte*1 : Only for LP-RF series and LP-RV series.*2 : When the linefeed is disabled, these items can be omitted.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• If the object type set in the specified object number is not the bar code/2D code, the laser marker returns the negativeresponse.• If the character strings of bar code/2D code contain a control code, the control code is not included in the humanreadable text.• For the composite codes, the settings from “character height” are applied to both 1D and 2D side.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, you cannot set and readout the settings of the human readable text forPDF417, iQR code, QR code for Chinese characters (GB/T 18284), and CODE93.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, you cannot set and readout the settings of the human readable text for QRcode with the mode setting “Auto”.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, “Bold line width” cannot be set. To this item the setting by Laser MarkerNAVI smart or the initial value if it was not set, is applied.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3