92Name(> Name in LP-400/V)Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksNarrow elementwidth 5 “0.050”–“1.000” [mm]Specify a larger value than theline width in the object groupsettings.X-position 8 “-999.999”–“+999.999” [mm] It is the center coordinate of thecode.Y-position 8Rotation angle 7 “-180.00”–“+180.00” [°] The rotation center is the centerof the code symbol.Quiet/narrow ratio 4 “00.0”–“20.0” Ratio of the quiet zone width tonarrow element width.Wide/narrow ratio 3 “1.8”–“3.4” Ratio of the wide element width tonarrow element width.Laser powercorrection 3 “000”–“999” [%]The correction ratio is calculatedusing the value set at the lasersettings as 100%.Scan speedcorrection 3 “001”–“999” [%]Pulse cyclecorrection * (3) “001”–“999” [%]Total data length54or57The data length is fixed.• LP-GS/LP-RC series: 54-byte• LP-RF/LP-RV series: 57-byte* Only for LP-RF series and LP-RV series.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, “Code marking direction” cannot be set. To this item the setting by LaserMarker NAVI smart or the initial value if it was not set, is applied.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the automatic setting of the human readable text to CODE39, ITF, andNW-7 codes is not available. Even enabling the human readable text by Laser Marker NAVI smart, it is disabled whenthis command is used.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3