84Name Data length[byte] Data contents RemarksStart period 6Lot unit Setting rangeYear, Year (week-based)(YYYY00)“198000”–“209900”Month “000001”–“000012”Date “000001”–“000031”Year and month(YYYYMM) “198001”–“209912”Month and date(00MMDD) “000101”–“001231”Day of week Sun. “000000”Mon. “000001”Tue. “000002”Wed. “000003”Thur. “000004”Fri. “000005”Sat. “000006”Hour “000000”–“000023”Week “000001”–“000054”Minute “000000”–“000059”Hour and minute(00HHmm) “000000”–“002359”Counter “000000”–“999999”• It is the range of periods tomark the same lot characters.• The setting range varies bylot unit.• Set “??????” with the start/end periods to delete it.• If the period is not set at thetime of readout, “??????” isreturned.• To delete the period, end thedata here.• The period that the endperiod comes before the startperiod cannot be set.End period 6Lot character Min. 0Max. 18The number of input characters allowed: Max. 9charactersInput Method: ASCII code or Shift JIS code (canbe mixed)• Use the ASCII code tospecify one-byte characters(single byte characters).• Use the Shift JIS code tospecify two-byte characters(double byte characters).• Specify 0-byte for data lengthto delete characters.Total data length Max. 33 Variable length.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Refer to “2-3-5 Character data input method” (P.37) for details on the character input method and character types withinput restrictions.• When the lot unit of the lot settings (LTC command) is changed, the lot period (start/end periods) and lot character (LTScommand) settings registered to that lot number are deleted.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the lot numbers 4 to 15 and global lot numbers 20 to 31 cannot be set.⿎ Example of command settingsCondition: Lot unit = Year and monthLot No. = 0, Period No. = 01, Start period = January 2014, End period = December 2014,Lot character = abcd• Setting Transmission data [STX] LTS S 001201401201412abcd [CR]• Readout Transmission data [STX] LTS R 001 [CR]Response data [STX] LTS A 001201401201412abcd [CR]ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3