71ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Refer to “2-3-5 Character data input method” (P.37) for details on the character input method and character types withinput restrictions.• Characters in TrueType object cannot be set with communication command.• For response data for readout, all characters except the functional characters are readout in 2-byte characters (Shift-JIScode) regardless the settings.• When the character strings set with the functional character are readout, the setting of the functional character startingwith % are read out. The characters to mark as the functional characters, such as the counter or date and time values,are not read out.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, you cannot readout the character strings with more than 61-byte length.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the character object other than the reference list type cannot be set.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, the character string No. 51 to 100 cannot be set and readout.⿎ Example of command settingsCondition: String No. = 51, Marking character (counter function and character “abcd”) = %06:C0abcd• Setting Transmission data [STX] STR S 51%06:C0abcd [CR]• Readout Transmission data [STX] STR R 51 [CR]Response data [STX] STR A 51%06:C0 abcd [CR]ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3