41To input the lot function to character strings%SFT:n: Lot characterItem Input characters Descriptionn Represents the lot function number.0 to 3, 8, 9 Lot No. 0 to Lot No. 3, Lot No. 8, Lot No. 9A to F Lot No. 10 to Lot No. 154 to 7G to VGlobal lot No. 16 to Global lot No. 19 *Global lot No. 16 to Global lot No. 31* At LP-400/V compatible command mode, G to J are converted to 4 to 7 when the settings are readout.To input the registered characters (via I/O) to character strings%INP:n: Registered characters via I/OItem Input characters Descriptionn Represents the registered characters function number.0 to 3 Registered character table No. 0 to Registered character table No. 3To input “Characters specified by SIN command” to character strings%MM:Sn: Characters specified by SIN commandItem Input characters DescriptionMM 00 to 99 Represents the number of max. character digits to be input as characters specified by SINcommand.n Represents the string number of characters specified by SIN command0 to 9 String No. 0 to String No. 9A to F String No. 10 to String No. 15To input marking settings (laser parameters) to character strings%POWER: Laser power%SPEED: Scan speed%PULSE: Pulse cycle (LP-RF/LP-RV series only)ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• When the character strings set with the functional character are read out by STR command or BRS command, the datawith the functional character set to start with % described earlier are read out. The characters to mark as the functionalcharacters, such as the counter or date and time values, are not read out.• Functional characters cannot be specified with character entry per trigger (SIN command), the lot characters (LTScommand) and registered character strings (RKS command).• To enter “+” or “/” as a character to mark after the counter, enter “%+” or “%/”.• It is not possible to set the functional characters of %POWER, %SPEED and %PULSE (laser parameters) to thecharacter strings of bar code and 2D code objects.• With LP-400/V compatible command mode, any of the following numbers of functional characters cannot be set.• Counter No. 4 to Counter No. 7• Expiry time No. 5 to Expiry time No. 7• Lot No. 4 to Lot No. 7Example of functional character input• To input the counter function (Counter Number 0, Six Digits, Zero Fill, No Offset, Decimal Number)Input “%06:C0” using the ASCII code*: 25 30 36 3A 43 30• To input the current date function and characters “YYYY. MM. DD”Input “%04:Y0._%02:M0._%02:D0” using the ASCII code* (the underscore (_) represents a space.)25 30 34 3A 59 30 2E 20 25 30 32 3A 4D 30 2E 20 25 30 32 3A 44 30* Spaces in the example above are not included in the input data.ME-LP-GS-SR-COMP-3