1538. Check the measurement results of the power meter. If thepower decays lower than the default setting, correct thelaser power setting value using the “System offset” panel ofthe “System settings” screen.Setting range of laser power correction: 50 to 200 [%]ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Laser power correction refers to the function to correct not the maximumlaser power [W] value but the laser power setting value.ワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• If the power decays more than 20%, compared to the default setting, the laser oscillator needs maintenance. Contact oursales office or representatives.7-2-6 Galvano scannerGalvano scanner is a scanner for radiating the laser beam along the coordinates of marking data.The galvano scanner scans the drawing data by controlling the angle of galvano mirror mounted onto the axis of rotation ofmotor with two axes to create characters and graphics for marking and processing. Effect from deteriorationUneven wear may occur on the bearing inside the galvano scanner depending upon marking frequency and conditions. Ifuneven wear develops, accurate reproducing may become difficult, resulting in skewness or misalignment of marking lines. Replacement interval• Deterioration in quality of marking and processing (Characters crushed, streaking and density reduction of the marking,incomplete processing) is observed.• Warning for galvanometer error occurred.• Galvano scanner has been used for almost five years.** The replacement interval may differ depending on the usage environment and marking conditions. Replacement methodOur service representative handles the maintenance and replacement. Contact our sales office.ME-LPGS-SM-8