412-5 Connecting Laser MarkerWARNING• Be sure to turn the power off before you conduct wiring or connection. Failureto do so may cause electrical shock.• Be sure to connect the head and controller of the laser marker which have thesame model number. Otherwise there is a risk of exposure to laser radiationor failure.2-5-1 Connection of head and controllerワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• It is recommended to connect the head and controller that have the identical serial numbers.• For the connection of this product, use the dedicated cables attached to the product or the specified optional cables.• Insert the cable all the way in a straight line. Tilting and inserting the cable may cause a failure.• Be careful not to apply excess force to the cable or not to nip the cable at the installation.• Verify the minimum bend radius of each cable and install them without excess forces being applied.qweRear of head Rear of controllerNo. Cable and connector Connectorq Signal cable Signal connector: SIGNALw Unit power cable Power connector: POWERe I/O terminal block I/O terminal block connector: TERMINALンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Connect the following terminals of the I/O terminal block. If any of them is not connected, the laser radiation is disabled.When shipped, these terminals are connected with a short bar. (The power supply part is connected by NPN connection.)IN COM. 1 (X2) ― 24V OUT (X1) *1OUT COM. 1 (Y2) ― 0V OUT (Y1) *1LASER STOP 1 IN (X10) ― OUT COM. 1 (X12)LASER STOP 2 IN (X11) *2 ― OUT COM. 1 (X12)INTERLOCK 1(+) (X16) ― INTERLOCK 1(-) (X17)INTERLOCK 2(+) (X18) ― INTERLOCK 2(-) (X19)*1 : NPN Connection wiring. For wiring by PNP connection or external power supply, remove the short bar and wire themagain. For details, refer to “4-5 Connecting I/O Terminal Block” (P.88).*2 : For X11, you can select its behavior from LASER STOP 1 IN or LASER STOP 2 IN by the setting of LASER MARKERNAVI smart. (Initial setting: LASER STOP 2 IN)ME-LPGS-SM-8