1034-6-11 Registered characters/external offset markingONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFT4 T4T6 T2T7T2T2T5 T5 T5T3 T3 T3T1 T1 T1SELECT 0 - 2 IN(No.19-21)D0 - D15 IN (No.3-18)SET IN (No.2)TRIGGER IN (X5)READY OUT (Y5)PROCESSING OUT (Y10)SET OK OUT (No.28)*1*2Data AData AData BData BData CData CItem Time RemarksT1 0.5ms or more After a lapse of 0.5ms or more from specifying SELECT 0 IN to SELECT 2 IN and D0 IN toD15 IN, turn on SET IN (No.2).T2 0ms or more Keep the input until SET OK OUT (No.28) turns on.T3 2 to 510ms One-shot output. Set the output time on the system settings screen. There is a smallmargin of error for the setting value.T4 ― Time for data creation. It varies depending on the quantity of the setting data.T5 2ms or more Keep the ON status for 2ms or more.T6 0ms or more To input the next data number during the trigger processing, input SET IN (No.2) afterPROCESSING OUT (Y10) turns ON.T7 ― • When the next marking data compiling has finished within the trigger processing time:1ms or less• When the next marking data compiling did not finish within the trigger processing time:The remaining time of the marking data compiling (T4)*1 : To specify the registered characters/external offset data number, set SELECT 0 IN to SELECT 2 IN as follows.SELECT 0 IN (No.19): ON, SELECT 1 IN (No.20): OFF, SELECT 2 IN (No.21): OFF*2 : Specify the data number of registered characters/external offset by using D0 IN to D15 IN. Refer to “4-3 Signals andDetails of I/O Connector” (P.78).ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• SET IN (No.2) for the registered characters/external offset is acceptable when the laser pumping is completed, and theinternal shutter opens.• If you have configured the registered characters/external offset function, READY OUT (Y5) will not be output until thedata number and SET IN (No.2) are input.• Enter the data number input and SET IN (No.2) every time for each marking trigger even there is no change to themarking data.• Close the shutter if you want to reset the data number after turning on SET IN (No.2).• READY OUT (Y5) will be output even when specified the data number without any settings.ME-LPGS-SM-8