874-4-3 Interlock terminal rating and I/O circuitThis section shows the following interlock terminals and I/O circuit loaded onto the I/O terminal block.Interlock input terminals: Interlock monitoring terminals:INTERLOCK 1(+) (X16) INTERLOCK 1 MONITOR (Y16)INTERLOCK 1(-) (X17) INTERLOCK 1 MONITOR COM. (Y17)INTERLOCK 2(+) (X18) INTERLOCK 2 MONITOR (Y18)INTERLOCK 2(-) (X19) INTERLOCK 2 MONITOR COM. (Y19)ワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• INTERLOCK terminals (X16, X17 and X18, X19) are connected to the operating coil of the internal relay in the controller.Connect INTERLOCK (+) and INTERLOCK (-) with the non-voltage contact (dry contact) such as a relay or a switch. Donot connect with the voltage contact such as a transistor.Pin X16 INTERLOCK 1 (+)ヌビフヷチュヤヒブㄎモチヌビフヷチュヤPin X17 INTERLOCK 1 (-)Pin X18 INTERLOCK 2 (+)Pin X19 INTERLOCK 2 (-)Pin Y16 INTERLOCK 1 MONITORPin Y17 INTERLOCK 1 MONITOR COM.Pin Y19 INTERLOCK 2 MONITOR COM.Pin Y18 INTERLOCK 2 MONITORヒブㄎモチLaser marker internal circuitSafety relaySafety relayLaser oscillatorpowerContactcapacity:+24V DC1AContactcapacity:+24V DC1Aンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• For the connection examples of the interlock terminals, refer to “4-5-4 Connection example of interlock terminals andlaser stop terminals” (P.90).• INTERLOCK 1(+) (X16) and INTERLOCK 2(+) (X18) are connected to the interlock dedicated power supply +24DVCinternally. This power supply is independent from 24V OUT (X1, Y3) in I/O terminal.ME-LPGS-SM-8