864-4-2 Output rating and output circuitThis section shows the output rating and the output circuit for the I/O terminal block output and the I/O connector output.Note that the output rating and circuit of INTERLOCK MONITOR terminals (Y16, Y17, Y18, Y19) are different from thoseshown here. Refer to“4-4-3 Interlock terminal rating and I/O circuit” (P.87). Output ratingItem I/O terminal block output I/O connector outputOutput form NPN/PNP Photo-coupler (insulated output)Protection function for short-circuit NoneMax. output current 50mA 20mAMax. applied voltage +30V DCResidual voltage +2.0V DC or less Output CircuitInternal circuitOUTPUTOutput common(OUT COM.) NPN Sample PNP SampleI: I/O terminal block output MAX 50mAI/O connector output MAX 20mAOUTPUTOUTPUTOutput common(OUT COM.)Output common(OUT COM.)External powersupply+30V DC MAXExternal powersupply+30V DC MAXEach output LoadLoadEach outputワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• This product supports both the NPN transistor output and the PNP transistor output. However, the wiring from I/O terminalblock and the I/O connector respectively cannot be used as NPN/PNP mixed. Operate the product after selecting eitherNPN or PNP.• Do not short-circuit 24V (X1, Y3) and 0V (Y1, X3). Also, do not short-circuit IN COM. 1 (X2) and OUT COM.2 (Y2, X12).Starting the laser marker with these terminals short-circuited will cause the laser marker to malfunction.• The applied voltage and input/output current to each terminal must not exceed each maximum value shown above.Exceeding the maximum applied voltage and the maximum output current will cause the laser marker to malfunction.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Respective outputs are photo-coupler outputs. The regulation for output ON is based on the ON status of photo-coupler.• IN COM. 1, OUT COM. 1 of the I/O terminal block and IN COM. 2, OUT COM. 2 of the I/O connector are independent.If you use the I/O connector terminal, connect input common/output common of the I/O terminal block and the I/Oconnector to power supply respectively.ME-LPGS-SM-8