138 Connectable code readerThis product can be connected with a code reader that can be operated in the RS-232C communication settings describedbelow. Communication settings (for code reader linkage control)Communication settings for use of the code reader linkage function are listed below.Specify the code reader communication settings according to this setting.Item RS-232C communication specifications (for code reader linkage control)Synchro system Start-stop methodCommunication type Full-duplex transmissionBaud rate 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200 bps (initial setting: 9600 bps)Data length 8-bit fixedStop bits 1-bit / 2-bit (initial setting: 1-bit)Parity None / Even / Odd (initial setting: None)Flow control NoneStart code None (fixed)Check sum None (fixed)End code CR (Fixed)Reception timer Timeout monitoring ON (10 sec)ワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• This does not guarantee the communication with all code readers. Check the performance and operation before use.• To connect the RS-232C port with the code reader, the serial communication command control by RS-232C is disabled.• The control is enabled only when the laser marker is in the remote or run status.6-2-4 Preparation of readout code String that can be transferredTo use the code reader linkage function, check that the readout bar code/2D code data to read satisfy the followingconditions.• Generate code data by alphanumeric characters and symbols within the range of ASCII code 20(HEX) to 7E(HEX).• To set the file number, specify it always with 4-digits.• Do not contain two-byte characters and/or control codes in the code data.• When two-byte “%” is used, replace the code data with the following characters.Characters you want to use Characters to replace with% %%ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• As long as the code data to read satisfy the above conditions, any code type can be used.• If any character that is not supported is contained in the read code, data cannot be transferred to the laser markerregardless of data extraction setting.• For the list of ASCII codes, refer to “Serial Communication Command Guide”.ME-LPGS-SM-8