1004-6-7 Time/date hold input and date gap outputOFFOFFOFFOFFOFFONONONONONREADY OUT (Y5)DATE GAP OUT (No.29)TIME HOLD IN (No.22)TRIGGER IN (X5)PROCESSING OUT (Y10)Actual dateDate change8 o’clock of day 2Day 1 Day 2Example: at 15 o’clock of day 1(15 o’clock of day 1) (15 o’clock of day 1) (Mark 8 o’clock of day 2)Markretained timeMarkretained timeンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• TIME HOLD IN (No.22) is available even when the remote mode is turned OFF.• If TIME HOLD IN (No.22) is turned ON when powering on the laser marker, it retains the system startup time.• While TIME HOLD IN (No.22) is turned on, the time will be retained regardless of the file number, remote mode ON/OFFstatus, or error status.• If you turn on/off TIME HOLD IN (No.22) continuously, keep the OFF time at least for two seconds.4-6-8 Counter end outputT1 T1 T1 T1ONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFPROCESSING OUT (Y10)COUNT END A/B/C/D OUT(No.30/31/32/33)TRIGGER IN (X5)READY OUT (Y5)Mark the counter end valueItem Time RemarksT1 2ms or more Keep the ON status for 2ms or more.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Assign the counter No. to COUNT END A OUT to COUNT END D OUT (No.30 to 33) in system settings of Laser MarkerNAVI smart.• COUNT END A/B/C/D OUT remains turned ON with the shutter open until the next marking trigger is input. When youclose the shutter, COUNT END A/B/C/D OUT turns OFF.• COUNT END A/B/C/D OUT is disabled when “counter update per step” is configured at Step & repeat.ME-LPGS-SM-8