994-6-6 Select fileONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFONOFFT1T2T4T6*2*1T5T4T3 T3T2T1SELECT 0 - 2 IN(No.19-21)D0 - D15 IN (No.3-18)PROCESSING OUT (Y10)SET OK OUT (No.28)SET IN (No.2)TRIGGER IN (X5)READY OUT (Y5)Filenumber AFile number AreadyFile number BreadyFilenumber AFilenumber BItem Time RemarksT1 0.5ms or more After a lapse of 0.5ms or more from specifying SELECT 0 IN to SELECT 2 IN and D0 IN toD15 IN, turn on SET IN (No.2).T2 0ms or more Keep the input until SET OK OUT (No.28) turns on.T3 2 to 510ms One-shot output. Set the output time on the system settings screen. There is a smallmargin of error for the setting value.T4 ― • In the laser pumping completed and shutter opened state: Time for marking datacreation. It varies depending on the quantity of the setting data.• When the laser pumping is not completed and shutter is closed: Total time for shutteropening and marking data creation, or time for laser pumping, whichever is longer.T5 2ms or more Keep the ON status for 2ms or more.T6 0ms or more To input the next file number right after TRIGGER IN (X5), input SET IN (No.2) afterPROCESSING OUT (Y10) turns ON.*1 : Turn off SELECT 0 IN to SELECT 2 IN when you specify a file number.*2 : You can input the next file number during the trigger processing. If the trigger processing was being executed whenyou turned on SET IN (No.2), the file number changes after the trigger processing completes.ME-LPGS-SM-8