1115-2-2 Communication settings (for command control)Item RS-232C communication settings (for command control)Synchro system Start-stop methodCommunication type Full-duplex transmissionBaud rate 1200 / 2400 / 4800 / 9600 / 19200 / 38400 / 57600 / 115200 bps (initial setting: 9600 bps)Data length 8-bit fixedParity None / Even / Odd (initial setting: None)Stop bits 1-bit / 2-bit (initial setting: 1-bit)Flow control NoneCheck sum OFF / ON (initial setting: OFF)End code CR / CR + LF (initial setting: CR)Start code * ON (STX) / OFF (initial setting: STX)Response data command * ON / OFF (initial setting: ON)Response data subcommand *Any single byte character of ASCII code from 01 (HEX) to 7F (HEX) can be specified.• Initial setting of positive response code: A• Initial setting of negative response code: E• Initial setting of read request response code: ACharacter code ASCII codeEncoding for 2-bytecharacters *Shift-JIS / GB 2312 (initial setting: Shift-JIS)Reception timer Timeout monitoring ON (10 sec.)* If you set “LP-400/V compatibility” in the system settings of Laser Marker NAVI smart, the same command formatwith the former models of LP-400/LP-V series is applied regardless these settings. For the details, refer to the “SerialCommunication Command Guide: LP-400/V compatible mode”.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• For the details of the communication settings, refer to “3-4-3 Settings before external control” (P.64).ME-LPGS-SM-8