70Screen DescriptionTime (HH:MM:SS): Displays time of internal clock.Date(YYYY/MM/DD):Displays date of internal clock.SNTP Server IP Displays an IP address of SNTP server that executes timesynchronization.SNTP Polling Interval Displays an interval of time synchronization with SNTP server.Time Zone: Displays time zone.Daylight Saving: Displays the application status of Daylight Saving (Summer time).Available commands are listed below.C Set time of internal clock of this Switching Hub.Press "C." The command prompt changes to "Enter Date(Year) >" and enter a year.Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter Date(Month) >" and enter amonth. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter Date(Day) >" and enter aday. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter Time(Hour) >" and enter anhour. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter Time(Minute) >" and enter aminute. Then, the command prompt changes to "Enter Time(Sec) >" and enter asecond.P Set an IP address of SNTP server.Press "P." The command prompt changes to "Enter new IP address>." Enter an IPaddress of SNTP server.I Set an interval time for SNTP synchronization.Press "I." The command prompt changes to "Enter Interval Time>." Enter aninterval of time synchronization with SNTP server with a value of 1 to 1440(minutes).The factory default setting is 1440 minutes (1 day).E Set the application of Daylight Saving (Summer time).Press "E." The command prompt changes to "Enable or Disable Daylight Saving(E/D)>." Enter "E" to apply, or "D" not to apply Daylight Saving.But, in case time zone is set to where daylight saving is not applied, thisconfiguration is not available.When this Switching Hub is used domestically, this configuration is not required.Z Set time zone.Press "Z" to open a list of time zones. Specify a time zone you wish to set.The factory default setting is "(GMT+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo."Q Return to the previous menu.Note: In case SNTP server is located outside of firewall, connection withSNTP server may not be possible depending on settings by systemadministrator.For details, ask to your system administrator.If you wish to disable time synchronization function, set SNTP serverIP to and reboot the device.