1633.. CCoonnnneeccttiioonn33..11.. CCoonnnneeccttiinngg aa TTwwiisstteedd PPaaiirr PPoorrtt Connection CableUse a CAT5-compliant straight cable (twisted pair) with 8P8C RJ45 modularplugs. Network ConfigurationFig. 3-1 Connection exampleThe length of the cable connecting this Switching Hub and a device must be100 m or shorter. When a terminal or a LAN device with auto negotiationfunction is connected to this Switching Hub, the port is automaticallyconfigured at the highest performance mode. When a terminal or a LANdevice without auto negotiation function is connected to this SwitchingHub, this Switching Hub automatically determines and sets thecommunication speed; however, the full-duplex/half-duplex configuration isset at half-duplex because the full-duplex/half-duplex capability cannot bedetermined. When connecting a terminal or a LAN device without autonegotiation function, a fixed-mode port configuration needs to be set. Fordetailed configuration procedure, refer to 4.6.4.Note: If a fixed-mode port configuration mode is set, Auto-MDI/MDI-Xfunction does not work. Therefore, use a cross cable to connect them.100m or 100m or100m or shorter