1944.. CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnUpon power ON, this Switching Hub starts working as a Switching Hub. Touse the SNMP functions and other functions, you need to configure theSwitching Hub by using the console or Telnet.In this chapter, the configuration of this Switching Hub is explained indetail.Note: To access this Switching Hub via Telnet, this Switching Hub must havean IP address. Therefore, before accessing this Switching Hub viaTelnet, configure an IP address by accessing this Switching Hub viaconsole. For details on configuring an IP address, refer to CCoonnnneeccttiinngg vviiaa CCoonnssoollee PPoorrttConsole connection requires a DEC VT100-compatible asynchronousterminal, or a terminal capable of running a VT100-compatible terminalemulator, such as HyperTerminal on Windows XP or older. Connect aterminal of this kind to the RJ45 console port of this Switching Hub.Configure the communication mode for the asynchronous terminal asfollows: Transmission mode: RS-232C (ITU-TS V.24 compliant) Emulation mode: VT100 Transmission speed: 9600 bps Data length: 8 bits Stop bit: 1 bit Parity control: None Flow control: NoneIf you are using a Windows machine, refer to "Procedures for Console PortConfiguration using Windows HyperTerminal."