21444..99..55.. PPiinngg EExxeeccuuttiioonnOn the Switch Tools Configuration Menu, pressing "P" opens the PingExecution screen as shown in Fig. 4-9-7. On this screen, you can execute theping command from the Switching Hub to confirm communications withconnected terminals and other devices.Fig. 4-9-7 Ping ExecutionScreen DescriptionTarget IP Address: Displays the IP address of the target of the ping. The factorydefault setting is ofRequestDisplays the number of times of ping. The factory default setting is10 times.Timeout Value Displays the time before timeout occurs. The factory default settingis 3 seconds.Result Displays the ping result.Available commands are listed below.I Set the IP address of the target of the ping.Press "I." The command prompt changes to "Enter new Target IP Address >."Enter the IP address.N Set the number of times of ping.Press "N." The command prompt changes to "Enter new Request Times >." Enterthe number of times between 1 and 10.T Set the time before timeout occurs.Press "T." The command prompt changes to "Enter new Timeout Value >." Setthe time between 1 to 5 seconds.E Execute the ping command. Or, clear the display.PN23249K/PN23249A Local Management SystemSwitch Tools Configuration -> Ping ExecutionTarget IP Address: of Requests: 10Timeout Value: 3 Sec.=============== Result ===============-------------------------------- -----------------------------------Set Target [I]P Address [E]xecute PingSet [N]umber of Requests [S]top PingSet [T]imeout Value [Q]uit to previous menuCommand>Enter the character in square brackets to select option