15044..77..77.. EEggrreessss RRaattee LLiimmiittiinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonn MMeennuuOn the Quality of Service Configuration Menu, pressing "C" opens the EgressRate Limiting Configuration Menu, as shown in Fig. 4-7-41. On this screen,you can set bandwidth control.Fig. 4-7-41 Egress Rate Limiting ConfigurationScreen DescriptionPort Displays the port number.Bandwidth Displays the bandwidth. A default for ports 1 to 24 is 100, and adefault for ports 25 and 26 is 1000. The unit is ‘Mbps’.Status: Enables/disables egress rate limiting configuration.Enabled Egress rate limiting is enabled.Disabled Egress rate limiting is disabled.Available commands are listed below.N Display the next page.Press "N" to change the display to the next page.P Display the previous page.Press "P" to change the display to the previous page.B Set a bandwidth.Press "B" to change the command prompt to "Enter port number e.g.: 1, 3,5-26>." Enter a port number to designate. Then, the command prompt changesto "Enter bandwidth>." For ports 1 to 24, enter bandwidth from 1 to 100. Forports 25 and 26, enter from 1 to 1000.S Set the egress rate limit status.PN23249K/PN23249A Local Management SystemQuality of Service Configuration -> Egress Rate Limiting Configuration MenuPort Bandwidth Status---- ----------- --------1 100 Disabled2 100 Disabled3 100 Disabled4 100 Disabled5 100 Disabled6 100 Disabled7 100 Disabled8 100 Disabled9 100 Disabled10 100 Disabled11 100 Disabled12 100 DisabledNote: Bandwidth - 1Mbps/unit-------------------------------- -----------------------------------[N]ext Page Set [S]tatus[P]revious Page [Q]uit to previous menuSet [B]andwidthCommand>Enter the character in square brackets to select option