218Screen DescriptionEntry Displays the event number.Time Displays the time when the event occurred, or the time accumulated afterboot if the clock is not set.Event Displays the description of the event caused to the Switching Hub.System Cold Start Indicates that this Switching Hub started.Login from console Indicates a login from the console port.Login from telnet,xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxIndicates a login via Telnet.Configuration changed Indicates that the configuration was changed.Runtime code changes Indicates that the firmware was changed.Configuration file upload Indicates that the configuration file wastransferred to the TFTP server.Configuration filedownloadIndicates that the configuration file wastransferred from the TFTP server.(Bridge)Topology Change Displays that the spanning tree topology waschanged.Reboot: Normal Indicates that this Switching Hub rebooted.Reboot: Factory Default Indicates that this Switching Hub rebooted toreturn settings to factory default.Reboot: Factory DefaultExcept IPIndicates that this Switching Hub rebooted toreturn settings except the IP address to factorydefault.Not authorized! (IP:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx)Indicates that an unauthorized manager accessedby SNMP.SNTP first update toyyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ssIndicates that time data was obtained byaccessing the SNTP server.Found other multicastrouter. Stopped querierfunction.Indicates that the function was stopped becauseanother IGMP querier exists.Other multicast router isexpired. Restarted querierfunction.Indicates that the function was restarted becauseanother IGMP querier no longer exists.FAN status changed fromgood to failed.Indicates that a fan problem occurred.Temperature overthreshold.Indicates that the internal temperature exceededthe threshold.Temperature underthreshold.Indicates that the internal temperature decreasedbelow the threshold.! Stus: xxxxxxxx IP: x Code:x Add: xxxxxxxx! Tsk: "xxxx" P:xxxxxxxxxPri: xxIndicates the system information when anexception was raised.Port-xx Link-up Indicates that the port was linked up.Port-xx Link-down Indicates that the port was linked down.Port-xx Power ONnotificationIndicates that the power supply to the targetport is turned on.Port-xx Power OFFnotificationIndicates that the power supply to the targetport is turned off.