204The counters are described below.Total RX Bytes Displays the number of bytes of all packets received.Total RX Pkts Displays the number of all packets received.GoodBroadcastDisplays the number of broadcast packets received.Good Multicast Displays the number of multicast packets received.CRC/AlignErrorsDisplays the number of error packets that have a normal packetlength (64 to 1518 bytes); however, have an error found by an errordetection code (FCS). If the packet length is an integral multiple ofone byte, the error is a CRC (FCS) error. If not, it is an alignmenterror.Undersize Pkts Displays the number of error packets that have a packet length lessthan 64 bytes; however, have no other errors.Oversize Pkts Displays the number of packets having a packet length greater than1518 bytes.Displays the number of packets having a packet length greater than9216 bytes.Fragments Displays the number of error packets that have a packet length lessthan 64 bytes and have a CRC or alignment error.Jabbers Displays the number of error packets that have a packet length lessthan 1518 bytes and have a CRC or alignment error.Collisions Displays the number of packet collisions.64-Byte Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 64bytes.65-127 Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 65to 127 bytes.128-255 Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 128to 255 bytes.256-511 Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 256to 511 bytes.512-1023 Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 512to 1023 bytes.Over 1024 Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 1024bytes or greater.* This field is displayed when the Jumbo status is disabled.1024-1518 Pkts Displays the total number of packets having a packet length of 1024to 1518 bytes.* This field is displayed when the Jumbo status is enabled.Note: By factory default, this screen is set to refresh about every 10 seconds.Therefore, both the console and Telnet timeouts do not occur.