162Z Initialize the authentication status.Press "Z." The command prompt changes to "Select the All MAC or MAC address(A/M) >." Press "A" to initialize all MAC addresses. Press "M" to initialize each MACaddress individually. If you press "A," the command prompt changes to "Initializeall MAC (Y/N) >." To initialize it, press "Y." Otherwise, press "N." If you press "M,"the command prompt changes to "Enter supplicant MAC address >." Enter theMAC address of the supplicant you wish to initialize. Then, the command promptchanges to "Initialize MAC **:**:**:**:**:** (Y/N) >." To initialize it, press "Y."Otherwise, press "N."R Initialize the re-authentication status.Press "R." The command prompt changes to "Select the All MAC or MAC address(A/M) >." Press "A" to initialize all MAC addresses. Press "M" to initialize each MACaddress individually. Press "A." The command prompt changes to "Would you wantto initialize re-authenticator?(Y/N)>." To initialize it, press "Y." Otherwise, press"N." If you press "M," the command prompt changes to "Enter supplicant MACaddress >." Enter the MAC address of the supplicant you wish to initialize. Then,the command prompt changes to "Would you want to initializere-authenticator?(Y/N)>." To initialize it, press "Y." Otherwise, press "N."M Go to Port Based Access Control Configuration MenuThe command prompt changes to "Select the Port based or MAC based authmode (P/M) >." Enter "P." The Port Based Access Control Configuration Menuscreen appears.S Not available for MAC Based modeF Not available for MAC Based modeQ Return to the previous menu.