144Available commands are listed below.N Display the next page.Press "N" to change the display to the next page.P Display the previous page.Press "P" to change the display to the previous page.C Create Policy.Press "C" to change the screen to the Create Policy Configuration Menu. Refer tothe section 4.7.5.k for the Create Policy Configuration.D Delete Policy.Press "D" to change the command prompt to "Enter a policy index>." Enter apolicy index number to be deleted.E Enable/disable the policy status.Press "E" to change the command prompt to "Select policy index>." Enter a policyindex number to be enabled/disabled. Then, the command prompt changes to"Enable or Disable Policy Entry>." Press "E" to enable, and press "D" to disable.Enabled Enable Policy.Disabled Disable Policy.S Display the policy information.Press "S " to display detailed information on each policy.U Modify the policy.Press "U" to change the command prompt to "Enter policy index>." Enter anindex number to be modified. Then, carry out the same operation as that forcreating a policy. Remember that modification is rejected if the policy isEnabled. If Enabled, disable the policy, and then modify it.B Display a sequence number of policy applied to each port.Press "B" to change the command prompt to "Enter port number>." Enter a portnumber to display. Then, the command prompt changes to "Select policy indexorder or policy sequence order (I/S)>." To view a policy sequence correspondingto the policy index, press "I." To view a policy index sequence corresponding tothe policy sequence, press "S."Q Return to the previous menu.