1411..44.. LLEEDD BBeehhaavviioorr11..44..11.. LLEEDD BBeehhaavviioorr aatt SSttaarrttiinngg--uuppUpon turning this Switching Hub on, all LEDs (PWR, STATUS, PoE andLINK/ACT for each port) light up. Then, the hardware self diagnosis isexecuted. Upon finishing the diagnosis, PWR and STATUS LEDs light in solidgreen. The Switching Hub is working as a Switching Hub. Power LED and Self-diagnosis LEDLED Behavior DescriptionPower LED (PWR) Solid green Power OnOff Power OffSelf-diagnosis LED(STATUS)Solid green System is operating normally.Solid orange System is starting up.Flashing orange System fault.Off Power Off11..44..22.. LLEEDD BBeehhaavviioorr wwhhiillee OOppeerraattiinnggThis Switching Hub has a set of LEDs for each port. These LEDs indicate theoperation status of each port. 10/100BASE-TX port LEDs (Ports 1 to 24)LED Label in front Behavior DescriptionPoE LED PoE Solid green Supplying power.Flashing orange Overloading.Off Not supplying power or nodevice connected.Link/TransmissionLEDLINK/ACT. Solid green 100 Mbps link established.Solid orange 10 Mbps link established.Flashing green Transmitting packets at 100Mbps.Flashing orange Transmitting packets at 10Mbps.Off No device connected. 1000BASE-T/SFP extension slot LED (shared) (Ports 25 and 26)LED Label in front Behavior DescriptionSpeed modeLED (GIGA)GIGA Solid green 1 Gbps link established.Off Connected at 10/100 Mbps orno device connected.Speed modeLED (100)100 Solid green 100 Mbps link established.Off Connected at 10 Mbps or nodevice connected.Link/TransmissionLEDLINK/ACT. Solid green 100 Mbps link established.Flashing green Transmitting packets at 100Mbps.Off No device connected.