103Screen DescriptionCIST Root Port: Displays the present root port.CIST Root PathCost:Displays a cost from the root port to root bridge.CIST Root: Displays bridge ID of a root bridge.CIST RegionalRoot Cost:Displays a path cost to a regional root bridge (root bridge of CISTtree in the MST region).CIST RegionalRoot:Displays bridge ID of a regional root bridge (root bridge of CIST treein the MST region).Time SinceTopology Change:Displays elapsed time (sec.) from changing configuration of spanningtree.Topology ChangeCount:Displays the number of changes in configuration of spanning tree.CIST Hello Time: Displays an access interval with a root bridge for confirming thespanning tree configuration.CIST MaximumAge:Displays a timeout period of the Hello message.CIST ForwardDelay:Displays transition time of spanning tree status, such as fromListening to Learning or Learning to Forwarding.CIST Bridge ID: Displays bridge ID of the Switching Hub. Bridge ID is configured withbridge priority and MAC address. The factory default setting of thebridge priority is 8000.CIST Bridge HelloTime:Displays the Hello time when the Switching Hub becomes the rootbridge.CIST BridgeMaximum Age:Displays Maximum Age when the Switching Hub becomes the rootbridge.CIST BridgeForward Delay:Displays Forward Delay when the Switching Hub becomes the rootbridge.Max Hop Count: Displays the maximum number of hops. (Displays a value determinedby the root bridge.)Note: This system does not allow the concurrent use of spanning tree andlink aggregation. The concurrent use of spanning tree and Internetmansion mode is also not allowed. Set a unified value for the entiresystem in each timer parameter.