71 Input signal operation on the I/O terminal blockンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• The ON/OFF listed in this section refers to the ON/OFF operations. It does not refer to the voltage level (High/Low).No. Name and descriptionX1 24V OUT: Internal power (power for input/output) + 24V DC (max. output current 300mA)Power to operate the laser marker independently.X1 and Y3 are the common terminal connected internally.ワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• Make sure to use X3 or Y1 for the 0V of the internal power 24V OUT (X1 and Y3). Do not mix up with theexternal and internal power supplies.• Do not connect anything to this terminal when using the external power supply.• When using the internal power supply (X1, X3, Y1, Y3), the total current of the power supply for the externaldevice and the consumption current for the I/O control should be less than 300mA.X2 IN COM. 1: Input common 1The common terminal for each input of the I/O terminal block.In case of NPN connection, this terminal is connected to the “+ (plus)” side of power which is used for control.In case of PNP connection, this terminal is connected to the “- (minus)” side of power which is used for control.For details, refer to “4-5-2 Connecting common terminals” (P.89).X3 0V OUT: Internal power (power supply for input/output) 0VPower to operate the laser marker independently.Y1 and X3 are the common terminal connected internally.ワㄐㄕㄊㄆ• Make sure to use X1 or Y3 for the internal power 0V OUT (X3 and Y1). Do not mix up with the external andinternal power supplies.• Do not connect anything to this when using the external power supply.X4 REMOTE IN: Remote mode inputWhile the input is turned on, the laser marker operates in the remote mode which can be controlled externallyby I/O and serial communication commands.To transit to the remote mode using this terminal, you will need to configure the communication setting ofLaser Marker NAVI smart in advance.Refer to “3-4-4 Remote mode settings” (P.67).X5 TRIGGER IN: Marking trigger inputThe signal to start marking (laser radiation). Starts marking by edge of input ON. This signal can be acceptedwhile READY OUT (Y5) is turned ON.The operation behavior of TRIGGER IN signal varies depending on Trigger mode settings as follows.• Single trigger: One lasing operation is executed by the edge of turning on of TRIGGER IN signal.• Continuous trigger: Lasing operation is repeated while TRIGGER IN signal is on.ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Trigger mode is specified in “File settings” of Laser Marker NAVI smart by each file.• When the trigger delay time is set in the selected file, trigger processing (lasing) operation starts after thedelay time.• If you are using the link control function with the image checker, the link control (a series of controloperations including external device operation, laser radiation, laser marker internal processing) starts bythe edge of input ON of TRIGGER IN. Refer to “6-1 Link Control with Image Checker” (P.117).X6 LASER SUPPLY IN: Laser pumping inputWhile this input is turned on, the laser is pumped to enable the radiation.It takes approximately 8 seconds from turning on LASER SUPPLY IN to completion of laser pumping(approximately 15 seconds for re-pumping right after turning off the laser pumping).This terminal is available when the laser pumping control method is set to I/O at the system settings of LaserMarker NAVI smart.X7 RESERVE: System reservationDo not connect externally.ME-LPGS-SM-8