1405. To transfer a part of the code string read, set the data extraction.If “OFF” is selected, the read string is transmitted as is.To set the data extraction, specify the start positionand data length of the code data in bytes.Setting range:• Extraction start position: 1 to 299 byte• Extraction length• Character transmission: 1 to 299 byte• File switching by name: 1 to 299 byte• File switching by number: 4 byte (fixed)Extraction example: To read code characters “ABCDE” and transfer “BCD” to the laser marker, set as follows:• Extraction start position [byte]: 2• Extraction length [byte]: 3ンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• Count one single byte character as one byte.• The data extraction position setting applies to all data read by this function.• If the read data length is shorter than the string to extract, the code is not read.• Set the checksum setting of the code reader RS-232C communication settings to “OFF”. If the checksum is set to “ON”,the communication checksum is transferred to the laser marker as marking data.• The end code (CR) is not subject to the data extraction.6. If the control contents are set to characterdata transmission, specify the object numberof destination.The read character data are transmitted to the objectnumber specified here.Check the file to use this function and specify anappropriate object number.Object numbers available as object numbers ofdestination are as follows.• Object numbers for which character object is set• Object numbers for which a bar code or 2D codeobject is setンㄆㄇㄆㄓㄆㄏㄆ• If there is not object number set as a object number ofdestination other than a character in the file to use thisfunction or code is set for the number, character datacannot be transmitted.7. Click “Set” in the lower right corner of the system settings screen.8. Disconnect the online connection with the laser marker.9. Turn off the laser marker power and wait for five seconds or more, then restart.The configured items will be reflected to the laser marker.ME-LPGS-SM-8