11 Using Bluetooth (wireless terminal equipment)To use wireless equipment, you need to obtain the authorization required by the country or the region where you use theequipment. Emitting radio waves in the area without an authorization is subject to punishment by the laws and regulationsof each region.Some of the models of this product can be used with Bluetooth. The wireless equipment loaded into these models hasacquired the following certifications:Model Applicable standards and regulationsLP-GS051LP-GS051-ELP-GS051-LLP-GS051-LELP-GS052LP-GS052-EJapan: Type of the specified wireless equipment: “Article 2 Section 1 No. 19 wireless equipment2.4 GHz bandwidth upgraded low power data communication system” “certification of constructiontype” (Article 38 Section 24 Paragraph 1, Japanese Radio Law)USA: FCC CFR 47 Part15 Subpart C *1EU Zone: ETSI EN Standard (CE marking) *22014/53/EU “RE Directive” *3• ETSI EN 300 328 V2.1.1 (2016-11) “Wideband transmission systems; Data transmissionequipment operating in the 2,4 GHz ISM band and using wide band modulation techniques;Harmonized Standard covering the essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive 2014/53/EU”• ETSI EN 301 489-1 V1.9.2(2011-09) “Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters(ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services; Part 1:Common technical requirements” *4• ETSI EN 301 489-17 V2.2.1(2012-09) “ElectroMagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrumMatters (ERM); ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) standard for radio equipment and services;Part 17: Specific conditions for Wideband data and HIPERLAN equipment” *4• EN 62311:2008 “Assessment of electronic and electrical equipment related to human exposurerestrictions for electromagnetic fields (0 Hz - 300 GHz)” *4*1 : FCC Remarks• If you alter or modify the product without the authorization from the organization that controls the productconformance, the user may lose the right to operate this device.• Do not install the transmitter of this product (loaded onto the head front panel) in the same place as the otherantennas or transmitters or operate them together.• To comply with the radio frequency emission limit value of FCC, keep 20 cm or more between the antenna (headfront panel area) and human body for the installation and operation.*2 : Contact for CE:Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbHPanasonic Testing CenterWinsbergring 15, 22525 Hamburg, Germany*3 : Hereby, Panasonic Industrial Devices SUNX declares that LP-GS051/LP-GS051-E/LP-GS051-L/LP-GS051-LE/LP-GS052/LP-GS052-E are in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive2014/53/EU. The declaration of conformity is available athttp://www.ptc.panasonic.eu/filedepot*4 : Referenced standardAttention for using BluetoothThe wireless equipment loaded onto this product uses the frequency band of 2.4 GHz.The followings are operated within the applicable frequency bandwidth of this device: the premises radio station (licenserequired) for mobile identification used in a production line of factories in addition to the industrial, scientific, and medicalequipment including microwaves, the specified low power radio stations (no license required) and amateur radio station(license required).• Make sure that there is no active premises radio station for mobile identification, specified low power radio stations, oramateur radio stations nearby before using this product.• In case radio wave interference occurs by this device to the premises radio station for mobile identification or amateurradio stations, change the place to use the device or stop emitting radio waves immediately.• Bluetooth usage may be restricted depending on the ambient situation or environment. Check with the administrator orthe manager of the building if using Bluetooth is allowed before using the Bluetooth function of this product.ME-LPGS-SM-8