661. Basic operations1-12. Memory cardThe unit’s video memory data and setup data can be storedon memory card.Conversely, this data can be loaded from the memory card tothe unit.Furthermore, it is possible to upgrade the unit’s software.p It may take a while to store a moving image of a longrecording time with high image quality or a still image filewith high image quality on the memory card.(Approximately 10 minutes is necessary when data withtotal size of about 490 MB stored in “All file” is saved to aPanasonic Class 8 SDHC memory card.)Video memory (still image data: Still1, Still2):Bitmap (bmp), JPEG (jpg), TARGA (tga), TIFF (tif), GIF (gif),PNG (png) This unit supports 24-bit uncompressed or 32-bituncompressed TARGA files.If any other types of TARGA files are loaded into the unit,black images will be displayed as the thumbnails, andthe unit cannot recognize the files. Be aware that saving video memory still images on thememory card in GIF format will cause the picture qualityto deteriorate.HD/1080i: 19201080HD/1080PsF: 19201080HD/720p: 1280720SD/NTSC: 720487SD/PAL: 720576 The size of images is converted automatically if it doesnot match any of the “applicable sizes”. The pixels of images in SD format are not square, sothe aspect ratio will be different when the images aredisplayed on the computer and when they are importedinto video memory (with NTSC format, they will bevertically long).To keep the images true to their actual proportions, makesure the original size is 720540 pixels. If the imagesare in NTSC format, use images shrunk to 720487pixels. If the images are in PAL format, use imagesenlarged to 720576 pixels.Video memories (moving image data: Clip1, Clip2):This is the original format of the unit.Data is stored in and read from these memories.Shot memory data (Shot):Data is stored in and read from these memories.Event memory data (Event):Data is stored in and read from these memories.Setup data (Set Up):The “setup data” refers to all the data stored in the unit withthe exception of the following data.The extension used for the setup data files is “h41”.Date, time, network settings, video memory data,shot memory data, event memory dataAll file (All):All the following data is stored.Video memory data, shot memory data, event memory data,setup dataPlug-in software (Plug-in):The plug-in software data is loaded.It cannot be stored.Software for upgrading (Upgrade):The software for upgrading is loaded.This software can be obtained from “Service and Support”on the home page whose address is provided below:http://pro-av.panasonic.net/For the upgrade procedure, follow the steps in thedirections which are contained in the download file.Log file (Log):Log files stored in the unit can be saved.p Concerning memory cardsMemory cards used with the unit should conform to SD orSDHC standards.Be sure to format cards using the unit.Memory cards with the following capacity can be used forthe unit.SDXC memory cards are not available for this product.SD (from 8 MB to 2 GB)SDHC (from 4 GB to 32 GB)For the latest information not available in the OperatingInstructions, visit the following Web sites.http://pro-av.panasonic.net/p Memory cards must not be used or stored in anenvironment where they may be• Exposed to high temperatures/humidities;• Exposed to water droplets; or• Electrically charged.
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