1023. System settings3-2. Setting the crosspoints3-2-1. Assigning signals to the crosspointsExternal video input signals and internally generated signals can be assigned to crosspoint buttons 1 to 24.When one of the crosspoint buttons 1 to 24 is held down, the status of the signal assigned is displayed on the built-in displaywhile the button is held down.Changing the current assignment of the signals selected by the crosspoint buttons will cause the positions of the lit crosspointbuttons to change to correspond with the assignment change. The images output at this time will remain unchanged.The table below lists the materials which can be assigned.Signal What appears on thedisplay DescriptionSDI IN1 to SDI IN8 IN1 to IN8 SDI input 1 to 8DVI IN DVI DVI-D inputIN-A1, IN-A2,IN-B1, IN-B2A1, A2,B1, B2Option slot(SDI, analog component, analog composite and DVI)Black BLK Internally generated signal (black)CBGD1, CBGD2 CBD1, CBD2 Internally generated signal (color background)CBAR CBAR Internally generated signal (color bar)Still1V, Still1K,Still2V, Still2KST1V, ST1K,ST2V, ST2KStill image video memoryClip1V, Clip1K,Clip2V, Clip2KCL1V, CL1K,CL2V, CL2KMoving image video memoryMEM-PVW MPV Memory preview (AUX bus and built-in display images only)AUX1 to AUX4 AUX1 to AUX4 AUX bus output (built-in display images only)CLN CLN CLN (AUX bus and built-in display images only)KeyOut KOUT KeyOut (AUX bus and built-in display images only)Shift SHIFT SHIFT functionNone None No assignment The image will not be changed by pressing any button to which “None” is assigned.The table below lists the default settings.Button What appears onthe display Button What appears onthe display Button What appears onthe displayXPT1 BLK XPT9 IN8 XPT17 CBD1XPT2 IN1 XPT10 DVI XPT18 ST1VXPT3 IN2 XPT11 A1 XPT19 ST2VXPT4 IN3 XPT12 None XPT20 NoneXPT5 IN4 XPT13 A2 XPT21 KOUTXPT6 IN5 XPT14 B1 XPT22 CLNXPT7 IN6 XPT15 B2 XPT23 NoneXPT8 IN7 XPT16 CBAR XPT24 None