521. Basic operations1-10-9. Editing event memory timelinesInsertion or modification of the events can be edited on thetimelines.w TimelineA timeline is a succession of events in the event memorieswhich have been joined together on the time axis.w Event points and edit pointsOn a timeline, the position where an event has beenregistered is called the event point, and the event currentlybeing edited is called the current event memory.When there is an edit point between one event point andanother, the event point before the edit point serves as thecurrent event memory.(Event “n” in the figure below)Edit pointEvent“n”Event“n”+1Event“n”+2w Event duration and total durationThe length of time as far as the next event is called the eventduration.The total of all the event durations is called the total duration.The present point in time on the timeline is called the currenttime.1s00f 1s00f 1s00fEvent durationThe event stops.The event progressesin this direction.Current timeTotal durationEvent1Event2Event3Timeline editing floww Modifying registered event memories1 Press the [EVENT MEM] button and light its indicator.4INSDISPLAY MENU SELECTMENUINPUTVMEMBKGDPATTKEYPATTTAKEENTER� / +PAGEPLAYRECSTOPXPTDSBL<CLIP 1STILL 1MEMORY / WIPE PATTERN / 10 KEY<< TRIM OFF>>CLIP 2STILL 2REVTRIM OUTTRIM IN9PASTE6MOD3REVCUNDO8COPY5DEL2>.>>7NEW1<0/10<<STORERECALLEDITDELSHOTMEMEVENTMEMPLUGINMEM1PLUGINMEM2>[EVENT MEM] button2 Press the [RECALL] button to light its indicator, and usethe P button and number keys (1 to 10) to select theevent memory to be modified. Refer to “1-10-3. Recalling the operations stored inthe memory (Recall)”.3 Press the [EDIT] button to establish the editing mode.(At this point, the timeline of the selected event memoryis copied into the work area.)The timeline appears on the built-in display, and eventscan be inserted or modified.4 Edit the timeline, and check what has been edited. Refer to the operations described later.5 Register the event memory which has been modified. Refer to “1-10-2. Storing the settings in the memory(Store)”.w Creating a new timelineWhen this operation is performed, the timeline currently in thework area is deleted.If it is required, register it in the event memory.1 Press the [EVENT MEM] button and light its indicator.2 Press the [EDIT] button to light its indicator, and press7.3 Create the new timeline. Refer to the operations described later.4 Register the event memory which has just been created. Refer to “1-10-2. Storing the settings in the memory(Store)”.The timeline is edited in the work area.After editing is completed, be absolutely sure to registerwhich has been edited.