792. Input/output signal settings2-1-7. Setting the video process functionThe video process function works for all the SDI input signalimages.The color tones can be changed for each input.1 On the Input sub menu, use [F2] to select the input tobe set using the Select item. Refer to “2-1. Input signal settings”.2 Use [F1] to display the Video Process1 sub menu.3 Use [F2] to select enable (On) or disable (Off) for thevideo process function using the Video Process item.4 Use [F3] to set the Y signal gain using the Y-Gain item.5 Use [F4] to set the pedestal level using the Ped item.6 Use [F1] to display the Video Process2 sub menu.7 Use [F3] to set the saturation gain using the C-Gainitem.8 Use [F4] to set the change in the hue using the Hueitem.Copying the settingsThe video process settings already selected can be set forother input signals as well.On the Video Process2 sub menu, use [F5] to select the inputsignals of the copy destination, and press [F5].2-1-8. Setting the analog input gain(option)When the analog input board (option) has been connected,the gain of the input signals can be set.Alternatively, when the analog composite input board (option)has been connected, the gain of the Y signals can be set.The setting range is ±30 steps, and the gain changes byapproximately ±2 dB. The amount of change in the gain whenit is changed by one step is not fixed.1 On the Input sub menu, use [F2] to select the input tobe set using the Select item. Refer to “2-1. Input signal settings”.2 Use [F1] to display the Video Process sub menu.3 Use [F2] to set the gain of the input signal (Y signalgain) using the Gain item.