61. Basic operations1-1. Background transition1-1-1. Selecting the busPress one of the crosspoint buttons to select the material tobe used for the background transition.Depending on the operating status, the button pressed willlight in one of two colors.Lighting inredWhen the selected input signals are output toPGM.(However, the indicator lights in amber duringFTB operations.)Lighting ingreenWhen the selected input signals are not outputto PGM.AUX BUS DELEGATIONPGMAPSTBAUX1/13 2/14 3/15 4/16 5/17 6/18 7/19 8/20 9/21 10/22 11/23 12/24AUX/DISP SOURCESHIFTSHIFTSHIFTLighting in redLighting in greenp When the crosspoint buttons are held down, the buttonnumbers and the names of the input materials assigned tothe buttons are displayed on the built-in display in the formof a list for as long as the crosspoint buttons remain helddown.CROSS POINT ASSIGNXPT:SIG:12SHIFT11A110DVI9IN88IN77IN66IN55IN44IN33IN22IN11BLKXPT:SIG:24SHIFT23None22CLN21KOUT20None19ST2V18ST1V17CBD116CBAR15B214B113A21-1-2. Selecting the bus using the SHIFTfunctionThe SHIFT function enables two materials to be allocated —the front material and the rear material — to one button, andthe materials to be selected using the [SHIFT] button.A total of 24 materials — front materials (1 to 12) and rearmaterials (13 to 24) — can be allocated to the three groups of12 crosspoint buttons whether these buttons are the PGM/Abus crosspoint buttons, PST/B bus crosspoint buttons or AUXbus crosspoint buttons.There are actually two SHIFT functions: “All SHIFT” forswitching all the front materials to the rear materials or viceversa, and “Single SHIFT” for switching the front material ofone crosspoint button with its rear material or vice versa.“All SHIFT” works once the SHIFT function has beenallocated to one of the user buttons.“Single SHIFT” works once the SHIFT function has beenallocated to the No.12 or No.1 crosspoint button of thecrosspoint button group concerned by a menu operation.All SHIFTAll SHIFT is used to switch all the materials of the PGM/A buscrosspoint buttons, PST/B bus crosspoint buttons or AUX buscrosspoint buttons from front materials to rear materials orvice versa.The user button to which the SHIFT function has beenallocated is used to switch between the front materials andrear materials.1 Allocate the SHIFT function to one of the user buttons.(For the method used to allocate this function to theuser button, refer to “3-3-1. Setting the user buttons”.)2 Each time the [SHIFT] button (user button) is pressed,the front materials are switched to the rear materials orvice versa. When the rear materials (13 to 24) have been selected,the [SHIFT] button (user button) lights in amber. When the button is pressed again, it goes off, and thefront materials (1 to 12) are now selected.