401. Basic operations1-7. FTB (Fade to Black)The user can fade out from a program image to the blackscreen or fade in to a program image from a black screen.1 Set the duration of the transition.Press the t button to light its indicator, and display theTime menu.2 Use [F1] to display the FTB sub menu.As with a background transition, set the transition time. Refer to “1-1-6. Auto transition”.CUT AUTOMIXMIX WIPEN/R RBKGD KEY KEYONFTBONPinP1ONPinP2ONDSKONWIPE DIRECTIONWIPEMIXWIPE3 When the [FTB ON] button in the transition area ispressed, fade-out to the black screen is initiated for thelength of the transition time that has been set.During fade-out, the indicator of the [FTB ON] buttonblinks in red, and it lights in red when the transition(fade-out) is completed, and the black screen isdisplayed.*When the [FTB ON] button is pressed with the blackscreen displayed, fade-in to the program image isinitiated.During fade-in, the indicator of the [FTB ON] buttonlights in red, and it goes off when the transition (fade-in)is completed.If the [FTB ON] button is pressed at any point during atransition, the direction of the transition is reversed.*: In the FTB status, the crosspoint button which isnormally lit in red lights in amber.Selecting the imageThe image to be used for fading out can be selected.1 Press the s button to light its indicator, and display theConfig menu.2 Use [F1] to display the Assign sub menu.3 Use [F2] to select the image to appear when fading outusing the FTB Source item.Still1 The still image video memory (Still1) is used.Still2 The still image video memory (Still2) is used.Clip1 The moving image video memory (Clip1) isused.Clip2 The moving image video memory (Clip2) isused.CBGD1 The color background is used.CBGD2White White backgroundBlack Black background If a setting other than “White” or “Black” has beenselected using the FTB Source item, the correspondingcrosspoint button will light in red in the FTB status.