161. Basic operationsSetting the fill matte color1 Press the k button to light its indicator, and display theKey menu.2 Use [F1] to display the Fill Matte sub menu.3 Use [F2], [F3] and [F4] to adjust the Hue, Sat and Lumof the fill matte.w To call the preset colorUse [F5] to select the preset color using the Load item,and press the [F5]. When [F5] is pressed, what has been set so far iscanceled and replaced with the preset color values. To save the values that were set before calling the presetcolor, refer to “1-10. Memory”.1-3-3. Key transitions1 Select the transition mode.Press the [KEY] button in the transition area to light itsindicator.To execute a background transition and key transitionat the same time, press the [BKGD] button and [KEY]button together to turn on both indicators.CUT AUTOMIXMIX WIPEN/R RBKGD KEY KEYONFTBONPinP1ONPinP2ONDSKONWIPE DIRECTIONWIPEMIXWIPE2 Select the transition type.Use the [MIX] button or [WIPE] button in the transitionarea to select the key transition mode.The selected button lights in amber, and the MIX orWIPE status indicator LED depending on the selectedmode lights.If WIPE has been selected, press the [KEY PATT] buttonin the memory/wipe pattern/number key area to light itsindicator, and select the wipe pattern.4INSMENUINPUTVMEMBKGDPATTKEYPATTTAKEENTER� / +PAGEPLAYRECSTOPXPTDSBL<CLIP 1STILL 1MEMORY / WIPE PATTERN / 10 KEY<< TRIM OFF>>CLIP 2STILL 2REVTRIM OUTTRIM IN9PASTE6MOD3REVCUNDO8COPY5DEL2>.>>7NEW1<0/10<<>3 Set the time of the transition.On the Time menu, use [F1] to display the Key submenu.As with a background transition, set the transition time.