2- 35 Printing with Rolls MediaTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic Use3 Press [] or [] to select the name of themedia type then press the OK button.The selection is prefixed with an equals sign (=) toindicate the roll media type that is selected.Importantz In order to achieve the best printing results with thisprinter, the amount of feed is fine adjusted for eachtype of media. For this reason, the image size,margins, and other settings change for each mediatype.z If you have changed the paper type, make sure toadjust the paper feed amount. (→ P.4-43)Removing a RollIf you are removing roll media that has already been loaded, or ifyou are using a paper type that cannot be cut automatically,perform the following procedure. Further, if printing on a mediatype for which Eject Cut has been set to Yes using the CanonimagePROGRAF Media Configuration Tool (→ P.3-59, P.3-128),perform the same operation if Cut by Stop key is displayed afterprinting has ended.Importantz If the roll media remaining amount detection function hasbeen turned ON, make sure to use the followingprocedure to remove the roll media. If the release lever isopened before the remaining amount bar code is printedand the roll media removed, the printer will not be able tokeep track of the amount of media remaining.z Place the roll media that has been removed in a PVC bagand store in a safe place. If you are printing on roll mediathat has been left to stand for some time, the print surfacemay be scratched and print quality reduced.1 Hold down the Stop/Eject button for at least1 second.2 Press the OK button.Media TypeHW CoatedRemove RllMedia?Press OK/StopOnlineBkOnlineCleaning(3 sec.)Stop/Eject(1 sec.)