5- 2 Before Using the PrinterトップChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexTOPContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseBefore Using the PrinterThis section describes information you need to know beforeusing the optional network interface board, such as thesupported network environments and how to check thenetwork environment you are using. It is recommended thatthe network settings are made by the network administrator.System RequirementsThis section describes the system environments that arecompatible with the printer network interface. The followingsystem environment is required depending on the networkto be used. Using a TCP/IP Network for Printingz Compatible Operating Systems• Windows Server 2003• Windows XP• Windows 2000• Windows NT 4.0• Windows Me, Windows 98• Mac OS 8.6 or later• Mac OS X ver 10.1 or later• Solaris Version 9• Red Hat Linux 9z Compatible Computers• IBM PC or IBM compatible PC• A Macintosh Series computer equipped with aPower PC processor.• Sun Microsystems SPARC platform computerNotez If you are using Windows NT 4.0, install Service Pack6 or later.z If using Mac OS X ver 10.2.5 or later, you can connectusing the Mac OS X Zeroconf function.(Further, if using Mac OS 8.6 or 9.x, if the CanonimagePROGRAF printer driver for Macintosh has beeninstalled, connection can be made using the Zeroconffunction.) Using an AppleTalk Network for Printingz Compatible Computers• A Macintosh Series computer equipped with aPower PC processor.z Compatible Operating Systems• Mac OS 8.6 or later• Mac OS x 10.1 or laterz Compatible AppleTalk• EtherTalk Phase 2z Required Memory• 24 MB or more for Mac OS 8.6, 32 MB or more forMac OS 9.x• 128 MB or more is required for Mac OS x.Notez This printer is not compatible with a MacintoshLocalTalk Network.