5- 45 Printing with UNIXトップChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexTOPContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UsePrinting with UNIXUsing LPD to PrintThis section describes printing with LPD.1 Log on to a workstation as root.2 Set up the spooling system.z Settings Example Using Solaris 9:Start the admintool utility.Select Browse / Printers.Select Edit / Add / Access to Printer.Enter the Printer Name and Print Servername according to the naming conventions.Press the OK button.z Setting Example Using Red Hat Linux:Start the Printer Configuration utility on thecontrol panel.Select Add / Other UNIX (lpd) queue / OK.Enter the desired printer name, printer IPaddress or name, and “lp” in Printer Name,Remote Host, and Remote Queue.If you are using a filter, select the filter.If there is no filter for the printer, you can temporarilyselect any filter, shut down the Printer ConfigurationUtility, and then change the postscript.cfg file in thespool directory so it matches your printer. Fordetails, refer to the Ghostscript manual.Notez The admintool utility is bundled with the OS. Fordetails of use, refer to the relevant OS manual.z The above configuration procedures were examples.The actual configuration procedure may varydepending on your environment.z This completes the printing settings.