2- 34 Printing with Rolls MediaTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic Use13If the roll media remaining detection featureis ON, press [] or [] to detect the lengthof the loaded media, then press the OKbutton.For roll media lengths, refer to the manual thataccompanies the roll media.If you have loaded roll that has a barcode showingthe remaining length printed on it, the amount ofmedia remaining is detected automatically so you donot need to make any settings.After a few seconds, Online is displayed and theprinter is ready to print.Importantz If you changed the paper type, make sure to adjust thepaper feed amount. (→ P.4-43)Notez The printer adjusts the paper feed amount minutely foreach media type to deliver optimum print quality.Consequently, the image size and margins maychange according to the paper type. Selecting the Media TypeIf you have loaded paper into the printer, make sure toset the paper type using the operation panel. You cannotachieve accurate printing results is the paper type isincorrect. If the printer paper type settings are incorrect,the settings can be changed using the followingprocedure.1 Press the Online button to display MAINMENU on the printer display.2 Press [] or [] to select Media Type,then press [].Roll Length Set30.0 m →MAIN MENUMedia Type ↓MAIN MENUHead CleaningOnlineCleaning(3 sec.)Stop/Eject(1 sec.)