3- 43 Printing from WindowsTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic Usez If the Print Quality is set to Standard, selecting thefollowing paper using Media Type will set the Resolutionto “Fine (600 dpi)”. In any other paper is selected, theResolution will be set to “Quick (300 dpi)”.Premium Matte Paper, Backlit Film, Fine Art Photo,Fine Art Heavyweight Photo, Fine Art Textured,Canvas Matte, Canvas Semi-Glossy, CAD PlainPaper, CAD Tracing Paper, CAD Translucent MatteFilm, CAD Clear Film7 Click the OK button to close the CustomSettings dialog box.Notez If you select Enhance Text with Photos in theCustom Settings dialog box then when you have textmixed with photos or graphic data, the resolution of thetext will be raised and the resolution of the photos orgraphics will be lowered.z Error Diffusion only can be set in Halftones usersettings. The margin of error scatter distributes pixelsrandomly and is expressed in halftones. This is idealfor printing photos and graphics for which detailedgradation is required.Fine Adjusting Color for Printing Adjusting ColorBasically the color settings of the software applicationhave priority, but if the results of a print job are not wantyou want you can also adjust color in the printer driver.You can also take color photos captured with a scanneror a digital camera, or any other color image, and printthem in monochrome.Now will we describe the color adjustments.1 Open the printer driver dialog box from thePrint dialog box of the application.Notez For more details about how to open the printer driverdialog box, please refer to “Printing” in Chapter 1“Basic Use”. (→ P.1-38)