5- 34 NetWare Settings (Windows)トップChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexTOPContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseSetting the Printer Frame TypeThe printer frame type must be setup so that the computeryou are using and the printer can communicate before youcan setup the printer protocol. Configure the settings usingthe following software.z GARO Device Setup Utility (→ P.5-34)z Printer Operation Panel (→ P.5-35)Importantz To use the GARO Device Setup Utility, the GARODevice Setup Utility needs to be installed on thecomputer you are using. Install the GARO DeviceSetup Utility for the administrator on the computer youare using. (→ P.5-34)z Before setting the printer frame type, confirm that theprinter is switched on and connected to the network. Setting the frame type with GARO DeviceSetup UtilityIf you are using a Windows computer, use the “GARODevice Setup Utility” (the software utility provided withthe printer) to configure the printer network settings.1 Select Programs / GARO Device SetupUtility / GARO Device Setup Utility fromthe Start menu.2 Select from the name of the printer you wantto setup from the list, then select ProtocolSettings from the Printer menu.