6- 35 Unexpected Printing ResultsTOPChapter 3Printing by ObjectiveChapter 4MaintenanceChapter 5Using the Printerin a NetworkEnvironmentChapter 6TroubleshootingChapter 7Operating theFunction MenuIndexContentsChapter 2Using Various MediaChapter 1Basic UseOther ProblemsInk consumption is exceedingly highCause 1: Printing many color images over an entireprinting area.Solution 1: Printing photographs or other images thatrequire a lot of color fill consumes largeamounts of ink. This is not unusual.Cause 2: Executing Head Cleaning B very often.Solution 1: Head Cleaning B consumes a large amount ofink (this is not unusual). After the printer hasbeen moved, or after the printer has beenstored and not used for a long period (excludingother problems with the printhead), you shouldexecute Head Cleaning B.Cause 3: The printer consumes ink for the initial ink tankfilling.Solution 1: The first time the printer used after it is set up ormoved to a new location, the ink level displaymay drop to as low as 80% as a result of fillingthe printhead and ink tanks with ink (this is notabnormal).The message MTCart Full Soon does notdisappear after you replace the maintenancecartridge with a new oneCause 1: The printer has not yet recognized the newmaintenance cartridge.Solution 1: Replace the maintenance cartridge and pressthe Information button.Solution 2: After replacing a new maintenance cartridgethe message disappears upon executing a printor cleaning operation.Media is not cutting straightCause 1: The media is wrinkled at the cutting position.Solution 1: Flatten the media at the cutting position.The printer does not turn onCause 1: The power cord was unplugged with the printerpower on.Solution 1: Wait three minutes with the power cordunplugged, then plug in the power cord againand switch the printer on.The roll media will not feed into the paper feed slotCause 1: The roll media is curled.Solution 1: Insert the paper into the paper feed slot at anangle starting with the left corner or right corner,then feed the paper through and straighten it out.